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Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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You'd think Trump has really some serious issues to deal with, one of them is of course the thread kittens represent to the USA, for that reason he's already taken the first steps towards resolving this complex issue and Donald Trump's lawyers are targeting a teenager over website where kittens punch him.

The teenager, named only as Lucy, initially designed as a way to practise her coding skills. But after a few weeks, she received a cease and desist letter from the president’s general counsel in New York.

Taking the advice of her family lawyer, she changed the name of the site to earlier this month.

“But after changing, they still came at me,” she told the newspaper.
“It’s so sad that his administration is focused more on being liked, burying real news and taking down sites like mine as they supposedly make him look bad,” she said.
The newly named website had received only about 3,000 visitors before the report of the legal action emerged. On Tuesday alone, that number had soared by more than 50,000.

“I was going to just let this go, but I think it’s, pardon my French, ******* outrageous that the president of the United States has his team scouring the internet for sites like mine to send out cease and desists and legal action claims if we don’t shut down,” Lucy told the Observer. “Meanwhile, he tweets about The Apprentice ratings and sends out power-drunk tweets about phone tapping . How about being the president?”


So what you guys think is next, will they come after aemi for his secret website of kangaroos punching & kicking Trump or not?
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Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Yay!!! Notoriety for aemi.

Can't believe Trump and his counsel have stooped to such a level. Really...censoring satire of a teenager, Lucy. She has became my hero.

I still think Melania is a spy...and maybe even Ivanka, too. Trump...well...he has severe senility and dementia.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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So everybody can talk about Trump, when I do the thread gets closed.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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albeagle wrote:
So everybody can talk about Trump, when I do the thread gets closed.

Hey, discussing Trump or making jokes about him wasn't the reason the thread got closed, if you really didn't understand why your thread was closed either dowopado or myself will be glad to discuss it with you in private.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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dowopado wrote:
Can't believe Trump and his counsel have stooped to such a level. Really...censoring satire of a teenager, Lucy. She has became my hero.

You know what's really sad? They where forced to delete the new website, this morning it was working, now it's gone.... I mean, let's be realistic, what can a teenager do to fight for her rights against the President of the USA? Bullying teenagers, a new low for Trump.....

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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albeagle wrote:
So everybody can talk about Trump, when I do the thread gets closed.

What darkline said is me via GB and I will give you my email address.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
You know what's really sad? They where forced to delete the new website, this morning it was working, now it's gone.... I mean, let's be realistic, what can a teenager do to fight for her rights against the President of the USA? Bullying teenagers, a new low for Trump.....

And he calls Obama sick for wiretapping...absurd!!!...especially when Presidents can't even order that to do be done.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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I hope the deletion of the website goes nationally on the news...and the media makes a big deal of it. This is case of him abusing his presidential powers.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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dowopado wrote:
What darkline said is me via GB and I will give you my email address.

Its all right fellas thanks, I did go overboard on that thread. Or it was a Russian hack.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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albeagle wrote:
So everybody can talk about Trump, when I do the thread gets closed.

Haha, and here I was thinking it's because I said Dow and Trump on the same line. Welcome back mate.

So Donald Trump is not a cat person. Phew! That's a relief, we still have nothing in common! He is the last person we needed to tweet about cats.

All our cats bases are safe.

The cats are taking over!

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Teenagers don't have lawyers that can advise them of their First Amendment rights of freedom of expression. Why go up against corporations exploiting the average American when you can bully teenagers. Lawyers are expensive, bullying is cheap.

What sort of response do you think there would be to an organized effort to send kittens to the White House? Or boxing roos?


Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Russian agents don't like cats. Another evidence that proves Trump is a Russian agent.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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albeagle wrote:
Russian agents don't like cats. Another evidence that proves Trump is a Russian agent.

So who's this then

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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I heard the Congress found a cheaper way to prevent the bad hombres from getting into the USA, they're going to build a wall around the white house.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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dowopado wrote:
I hope the deletion of the website goes nationally on the news...and the media makes a big deal of it. This is case of him abusing his presidential powers.

Problem is, Trump have so many things going on that this will fly under the radar, not the only thing that flew under the radar, I still can't believe almost no one mentioned the executive action he signed to allow people with PTSD & mental problems to buy guns, wonder what he will say when someone that wouldn't have been allowed to buy guns if it wasn't for his executive action starts shooting random people... and it's unfortunate because it is something that is just bound to happen.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
Problem is, Trump have so many things going on that this will fly under the radar, not the only thing that flew under the radar, I still can't believe almost no one mentioned the executive action he signed to allow people with PTSD & mental problems to buy guns, wonder what he will say when someone that wouldn't have been allowed to buy guns if it wasn't for his executive action starts shooting random people... and it's unfortunate because it is something that is just bound to happen.

I get the feeling Trump has no regard for doing the right or rational thing for the people...his only agenda is to undo everything that has been done by previous administrations...which makes me believe even stronger that he is a puppet/cat of Russia...when is he going to meet the kangaroo that can slap him silly.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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aemi wrote:
So who's this then

That looks like the Russian hacker, that hacked the election.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Wear Black socks in protest of America's 45th "president"

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Trump is uniting the Arabs, they are going to have an Arab NATO, it's going to be awesome, Israel likes it, Arabs like it, Iran hates it. Russia is not sure, China doesn't care, and Mexico still doesn't want to pay for that Beaver dam wall.

In other news, wife votes for Trump and her Mexican husband, apparently successful business man, gets deported. I think she just wanted a cheap divorce.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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aemi wrote:
In other news, wife votes for Trump and her Mexican husband, apparently successful business man, gets deported. I think she just wanted a cheap divorce.

I read that one, dummy wife votes for Trump because Trump said he was only going to deport "bad hombres", her husband who has 3 American children and owns a Restaurant, entered illegally in 2000, he was granted a temporary permit to stay that he had to renew every year and a work permit, this year when he went to renew his permit, they locked him up & and now they're shipping him to Mexico and banning him for 10 years.

Clearly is not about removing "bad hombres", is about meeting quotas and they will deport anyone and everyone to meet their quotas, wouldn't be surprised if a few years from now they start revoking green cards just because you have a traffic infraction... seems exaggerated but this government is so idiotic that it's between the realm of possibility.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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If he starts interfering with the Republicans in Congress' agenda, then he will start having to worry about impeachment. Or if the Democrats gain control of Congress.

Until then...

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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tree_amigos wrote:
If he starts interfering with the Republicans in Congress' agenda, then he will start having to worry about impeachment.

Well... he already had problems with some Republicans over the Obamacare debacle, he's been only in office for a few months, just give him more time..... I placed a bet online that he's going to be out in 2018 and I'm hoping to cash on it :D

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Silly Trump...just because he is a Republican President, he thought all Republicans would follow his demands like sheep.hahahaha! Then he makes friends with them by threatening to get rid of Republicans that don't vote in favor of the proposed health strong is his arm.hahahaha!

Business tactics don't work in politics...the growing pains for a old fart that never had to live with reality.

@darkline...hope you collect on your bid...alas! the agony of dealing with this for 4 years.;(:$

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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dowopado wrote:
the agony of dealing with this for 4 years.;(:$

Is not that bad, at least everybody else seems to be scared of him, like Iran, darkline, or the rest of the world, so it's all good, the only countries he seems to like are the UK (nobody knows why) and Canada (of course). Also a few small dictatorships around the world, for obvious reasons.

He doesn't have a passion for kangaroos so we have that in common.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Putin likes him :D

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
Putin likes him :D

Oh I forgot, that's one thought I refuse to embrace yet...

The reason crooked Hillary lost the election :

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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I made the mistake of following mr.Trump on twitter...
so far it's like watching a teenager tweeting about why he can't get a girlfriend (it's always other people's fault and not his)

I give him credit though, his tweets, sometimes, surpass even those of the greek "populist" politicians and that's no small feat !!!

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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aldebaran wrote:
I made the mistake of following mr.Trump on twitter...
so far it's like watching a teenager tweeting about why he can't get a girlfriend (it's always other people's fault and not his)

I'm subscribed too and I know what you mean, he twits like the village idiot, but now he just did the most idiotic thing I have ever seen a President do, he's singling & targeting senators on his own party because they didn't get on board with the trumpcare and tax reform he wants.

He's already divided the Country but now it seems he's going to divide the Republican party, I'll just get some popcorn and watch the show...

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Trump will get the country back on track...

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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The media will do whatever they can to bring him down as they get payed for doing so, don't believe a thing the media says or anything facebook says to brainwash you you should know this by now, all of these things and now including your education systems are flooded with brainwashing material to keep you stupid and ignorant, controlled and contained rather than finding out truth for yourself.
please don't be a bunch of sheep. Be aware of the mind games and tactics used to get you into a herde mentality rather than looking at what is there and not there and always remember "Nullius in Verba"

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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@aemi if you were quoted from every single thing you said you would have said some pretty stupid things too, do you think he's the same person he was 19 years ago? are you the same person you were 19 years ago?, can't you see its material for them any dumb monkey will eat it up. you all need to realize your 2 party systems in your countries are games they play to divide people, They arent the ones in charge they are just puppets keeping you in the boxing match back and forth red and blue, lucky for them most of humanity is completely stupid. And they sit back in their high arm chairs watching them squabble at eachother (the 40 billionaire who really run Washington) Trump was an accident for them they didn't expect he would win, now they will do whatever they can to bring him down through subtle advertising and hinting that he's some kind of idiot or not fit to be there, this is all gossip shit for stupid people, he's the only hope of abolishing the police state slavery of the US and ending the massive control.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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And as far as "racism" goes the topic is absolutely absurd any human with reasonable intelligence will recognize that we are the "human race", if everyone shared this truth and understanding there would be no racism because there is no one to be racist to if we all realize we are the same race. These techniques are also used to divide people.

And if you wanna take it to my level of understanding then we are all vibration and every particle in creation is the same "race" so to speak.

*30 years gone....* still taping foot waiting for humanity to catch up*

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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rivinok wrote:
The media will do whatever they can to bring him down as they get payed for doing so, don't believe a thing the media says or anything facebook

What about just reading the mad ramblings of Trump's twitter account, can we believe Trump is actually writing all those childish things or is also the media?

rivinok wrote:
And they sit back in their high arm chairs watching them squabble at eachother (the 40 billionaire who really run Washington) Trump was an accident for them they didn't expect he would win, now they will do whatever they can to bring him down

Why would they want to bring him down if Trump already put most of them inside the white house?

rivinok wrote:
he's the only hope of abolishing the police state slavery of the US and ending the massive control.

So you say this is the way of "abolishing the police state"? This from this week:

"Twitter Sues the Government to Block the Unmasking of an Account Critical of Trump"

Or maybe repealing the Internet privacy rules like he did last week so the goverment & your ISP now exactly what websites you're browsing?

rivinok wrote:
And as far as "racism" goes the topic is absolutely absurd any human with reasonable intelligence will recognize that we are the "human race", if everyone shared this truth and understanding there would be no racism because there is no one to be racist to if we all realize we are the same race.

Agree! So you're saying Trump doesn't have reasonable intelligence because he doesn't understand that one human is exactly the same as another human regardless of the color of the skin or the Country in which he was born.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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I'm not replying to the previous threads because they are arguments which cannot be one by either side, just like atheists and religious people they both believe something they don't know. You missed the most important part of my message "Nullius in Verba" it also applies to all the thoughts one may think with their brain. btw how do I quote someone on this forum?

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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To quote you just hit the " on the right side of the post you want to quote....

Let's just check what Trump says and what Trump does, shall we?

When Obama was President (Posts from Trump twitter account)

Also, he said "Hillary Clinton "wants to start a shooting war in Syria... that could very well lead to World War III," Trump said in Florida days before Election Day."

And here's today's headlines:

So according to Trump's own words, now he's a very foolish leader and very bad things will happen, it's very possible that he might start World War III....

But wait, his poll numbers are really going down all the time, he's the President with the most disapproval rate.... and this is what he thinks a President might do when his poll numbers are down....

Maybe Trump is desperate and that's the reason he decided to make a u-turn in Syria?

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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You are spoilt for choice for "leaders" aren't you (sarcasm), there would be brilliant American people among your population watching it all unfold in frustration as I am for my own "country", unable to really do much, just plant seeds in peoples minds which will eventually break the neurological circuits of the programming and by living and being an example. Just like the rest of the world, these fake "leaders" with too much "power" its just that not enough people are awake to the fact that it is illusion of power, they have their own brainwashed police and military easily befriended by the flash of a hand of cash; other intelligence agencies ready to "do their best for their country" to keep their "citizens" safe to "defend" and serve the arbitrary system which pays them in blood while dis servicing their own people and pooling the wool over their eyes, yes sir no so 3 bags fool to protect private interests and control the masses.

All of this noise and stuff going on part of this... shall we say... human story.. is nothing more than a crisis of consciousness.

I will share something, its off topic of trump but its much deeper down, to the heart of all "problems" in the world.

Signing out, Galactic Citizen ~ world watcher

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Blame it on the reptilians, they're behind everything.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
Blame it on the reptilians, they're behind everything.

No, not really, not in the way many humans think, not all of them... What a curious statement you happen to produce at this time hmm..
Only by experience does one know truth.

First hand experience would suggest they were neutrals, advancing certain humans understanding of reality...

Let's speak no more of that here today... on the managerzone we won't go there..

Save it for the silent field, i'll be there listening.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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rivinok wrote:
I'm not replying to the previous threads because they are arguments which cannot be one by either side, just like atheists and religious people they both believe something they don't know. You missed the most important part of my message "Nullius in Verba" it also applies to all the thoughts one may think with their brain. btw how do I quote someone on this forum?

And to you sir, I say "nullius in verba".

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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It looks like we are heading for war boys. At least know everything was engendered to happen this way. There are no coincidences, that gas attack in Syria was a false flag. Makes me ill.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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I'm afraid to ask what you mean by "false flag"..... anyway, Russians might regret now helping a wild card like Trump get elected President.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Alb is reading or listening too much to infowars.

Good job Trump, you make us proud.

Boo crooked Hillary!

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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aemi wrote:
Alb is reading or listening too much to infowars.

Not true, the same exact thing happened in 2013 and they quickly blamed Assad because they want to get rid of him. It turned out differently ISIS had done it. Why would Assad do such a dumb thing. The US was saying the same about Sadam, they are liars.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
I'm afraid to ask what you mean by "false flag"..... anyway, Russians might regret now helping a wild card like Trump get elected President.

Sure they did, Russia Russia Russia. I don't know how you believe such lies.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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albeagle wrote:
Not true, the same exact thing happened in 2013 and they quickly blamed Assad because they want to get rid of him. It turned out differently ISIS had done it. Why would Assad do such a dumb thing. The US was saying the same about Sadam, they are liars.

I thought you where a Trump supporter? Now you're basically saying Trump is a liar that ordered a secret chemical attack in Syria to have the excuse to attack them.... I mean, I really don't like Trump but I hope he's not also a cold blooded mass murderer as you seem to imply.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
I hope he's not also a cold blooded mass murderer as you seem to imply.

What's your hope about crooked Hillary? Because Trump just saved the world with 59 tremendous accurate gold plated beautiful missiles.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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aemi wrote:
What's your hope about crooked Hillary? Because Trump just saved the world with 59 tremendous accurate gold plated beautiful missiles.

Well... don't forget the "Mother of all bombs" he just dropped today.... Trump really likes to use his toys. At this rate, it'll be a miracle if he doesn't cause WWIII...

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
Well... don't forget the "Mother of all bombs" he just dropped today.... Trump really likes to use his toys. At this rate, it'll be a miracle if he doesn't cause WWIII...

The missiles were over a cake, excuse me, over a beautiful cake, so this bomb must have been over a special muffin. The mother of them muffins.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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darkline wrote:
I thought you where a Trump supporter? Now you're basically saying Trump is a liar that ordered a secret chemical attack in Syria to have the excuse to attack them.... I mean, I really don't like Trump but I hope he's not also a cold blooded mass murderer as you seem to imply.

not Trump ISIS which is run by Mossad, and the deep state.

Re: Trump is worried about kitties punching him?

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Trump is getting stuff done, well almost, if only the Democrats can get out of the way.
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